Sweet Wind of Praise Christian Fellowship

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We are looking for individuals to fill the following Positions:

Associate Pastor

We need an individual that can lead and help build teams. Some one willing to come along side and help develop this Fellowship.

Worship Arts Pastor/ Leader:

An individual to prepare worship services and to oversee Worship and Arts departments, including Audio Visual and Media related programs in the church.


We always need more musicians for Worship and Outreach events, Specials, ect.

 Youth and Children's Ministry Leaders and Workers.

We will need several individuals to help mold the minds and lives of our children in Christian values and lifestyles

Cell ( L.I.F.E.) Group Leaders:

We need individuals that can teach the Bible,or train teams, lead small Fellowship groups and those who can work on Evangelization projects.

Various Helpers:

Almost every department has a need for additional indivuals to help. Training can be provided, if needed.